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When do you need dental crowns?

A dental crown is typically needed for a broken, decayed, or fractured tooth. This cap is placed over the damaged tooth to restore its shape, size and strength

When do you need dental crowns?

You may be familiar with what a dental crown is, but do you know how many problems a crown can resolve? A dental crown is primarily needed when you have a broken, badly decayed, or fractured tooth. It is a cap that is placed over a damaged tooth to restore its shape, size, strength or appearance. Now, there are various other treatments that may be applicable to the same problems. So, then how do you know when you need dental crowns? While a dentist is the best person to answer this, here are some signs that you may indicate a need for dental crowns:

Aesthetic Issues

From an aesthetic point of view, dental crowns can be used to improve the appearance of a tooth and restore the beauty of your smile. Dental crowns can be used to cover a tooth that is severely discolored or decayed. Crowns also act as a protective cap over oddly sized or shaped tooth.

Cracked Tooth

If any of your tooth is cracked due to an injury or habits like tooth grinding, then dental crowns can be an effective solution. Dental crowns, in such a case, can hold the parts of your teeth together and prevent further damage to the tooth.

Large Cavities

Your dentist may recommend dental crowns if you have a dental cavity that is too large for fillings to be used. The dentist will first clear the decay. And, then, dental crowns will be placed to protect your tooth and ensure that it doesn’t get damaged further.

Knocked Out Tooth

If you’ve a knocked out tooth, then dental crowns may be recommended by the dentist. Usually, for better support to the tooth structure, dental implants are suggested. A dental crown is usually used along with the implant. Dental implants are metal posts placed in the jawbone to stimulate and provide the replacement tooth with support. On top of it, a dental crown will be placed.

Types Of Dental Crowns You Should Know About

Now, that you have figured out the signs you may need dental crowns, you may also want to know about the types of dental crowns available. Since dental crowns play the role of a new tooth, looking closer at the different types of dental crowns can help you decide which suits you the best.

Gold Crowns

Gold dental crowns are usually recommended for your back teeth from an aesthetical point of view. Gold crowns are particularly resistant and strong. They are less likely to break and are a good option if you don’t want your tooth to be removed. Your dentist can recommend gold crowns if you suffer from the problems resulting from bruxism. Since gold is a noble metal, it is also less vulnerable to allergic reactions.

Porcelain Crowns

The advantage of using porcelain crown is that it looks like a natural tooth due to their color. Porcelain crowns are usually used for restoration of your front teeth.

For more information regarding dental crowns, visit our dental professionals at Floss and Gloss dental.

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